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Wadi Rum: Some Filmy Time

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The beauty of Wadi Rum has never failed to impress international movie directors. So, Wadi Rum has been the top shelf choice for some perfect on screen wonderful destinations. This blog is just an overview of some of the many movies that are shot here. When you are coming here, make sure you spot these sites and recreate some scenes. 

Disclaimer- This blog is certainly going to be an alluring one. You may not be able to resist yourself from visiting the Wadi Rum till the next vacation. 

1. Dune (2020)

This science fiction movie opened up a new arena of multiverse to the movie screen. The movie was based on the original book written by Frank Herbert. The movie starts with a scene wherein the royal family has been sent to a planet named Arakkis far from the earth to harvest the planet’s spices. And guess what, that sandworm infested Arakkis is none other than Wadi Rum. The vast areas of deserts with the Goliath landscape, make the area perfect for shooting the Dune. If you still have not watched the movie, do watch it to embrace the beauty of Wadi Rum. h

2. The Martian (2015) ~ Wadi Rum as Mars

We understand the name excites you to the roots. But while watching the movie, did you realise even for once that it was shot in Wadi Rum? Yes, the place is too good to be true. In this movie, we see Mark Watney, who has accidentally fallen apart from his team, is obliged to stay on Mars. The barren deserts of Wadi Rum very well resemble the craters of the red planet. Just like you always hit five stars for this movie, we bet you can only increase the star rating for the place as a tourist destination.

3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) and Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (2019) ~ Wadi Rum as Jedha and Pasaana

These two blockbuster movies from the house of Star Wars leave no space unfilled to add compliments about Wadi Rum. By this time, you must already know that the scenic beauty of Wadi Rum resembles a lot like alien planets, and these two back to back movies from Star Wars proved that once more. In Rogue One, Wadi Rum is depicted as Jedha, a small ice cold moon. But in the second part, The Rise of Skywalker, the area is portrayed as a desert planet, named Pasaana. Wait, complete the blog before you book your tickets. It will not take long, we swear.

4. Prometheus (2012)

Yes you guessed it correctly! The barren chilly landscape of LV 223, is no place other than Wadi Rum. Although the movie received a mixture of emotions, there was no less applause for the destination. Watch the movie and let us know your reviews about the movie and obviously the destination.

5. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)

The blog cannot be concluded without the mention of the greatest movies of all time; Lawrence of Arabia. The winner of 10 Oscar awards, this movie was shot entirely in Wadi Rum and is perhaps one of the first science fiction movies to leave a footprint in the minds of people. And a secret fact, tourism to Jordan accelerated after the movie went viral almost 50 years ago. The beauty of the place deserves to be understood beyond words!


Just two minutes ago, you thought you were a travel freak hunting for beautiful places across the world; but now, you are a movie freak too! At ME-WONDERS, we offer a special package for visiting Wadi Rum. Contact us to get hold of exciting packages coupled with sky touching discounts. Hop in our website to travel with us!