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Women: Things to pack for Egypt trip

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Ladies, right now, you are in the most difficult situation of your entire trip. You need to pack all your universal stuff in one single backpack and that is really challenging! Just like we understand you, we understand your problems equally well. This blog is all dedicated to those tourism freak women who freak out in the name of packing bags. Keep your work aside for a while while you read the blog.


1 . Sun cream for women

The sun over Egyptian lands is awaiting to tar your skin. Why take a chance when you can carry a pocket size sun cream in your backpack? Check the expiry date of the cream before you put it inside your bag.

2. Hat and sunglasses

Now, do not think your sun cream is a one man army in providing you a shield against the engulfing sun rays. Wear a hat over your head and sunglasses on your eyes for a more reliable shield against the sun. 

3. Women’s Scarf

You will be wearing a scarf not only to protect yourself from the scorching heat but also to shelter your scalp from the dust and sand that is flying all over the air. We will help you carry your scarf in style, and who knows, some time your fashion will be echoed all over the world.

4. Hand Sanitisers

We are pretty sure, you will not forget carrying a small container of hand sanitizer. Be it to clean your palms often or to punch CoronaVirus infection, hand sanitizer is a must carry object for your tour centred bag.

5. Tissues and wipes

We do always advise you to carry these sanitary stuffs in abundant quantities so that you do not get stuck in the middle of the tour. You do always have the option to search for shops but it is always better to cut that phase short.

6. Dresses covering a major part of body

If we say dresses, you will certainly end up wrapping your entire wardrobe in your backpack. So, there is no space for that from our side. Egypt is an Islamic country, so we do recommend that tourists dress modestly throughout the tenure of the trip. But, worry not, we will help you pack your bag in such an interesting rhythm, that there will not be a trace of monotonicity in your snaps. 


  • 4 T-shirts- They should preferably be made of cotton. You can pair them with trousers or skirts.
  • 4 jumpsuits- When it comes to the arena of comfort, nothing can beat the record of jumpsuits. Choose some vibrant colour jumpsuit and you are all set to go lady!
  • 1 short dress- Do not ditch the fun in the name of modesty. Wear a short dress paired with leggings to look absolutely stunning.
  • 2 pairs of trousers- And yes, trousers mean leggings too. Make sure they are comfortable and then there is no looking back.
  • Inner garments and socks- Do not forget to carry these for your personal use.
  • 1 cardigan- This actually depends on which month of the year you will be visiting. It is better to carry a light cardigan with you.   

9. Covered Shoes for women

The unbearable heat of the country is very difficult to get along with especially on scenic trips to desert areas. To bate your discomfort, we do advise you yo wear covered shoes. The hot sands underneath is really going to make walking difficult for you.

8. Necessary Medications

Always keep this inside your backpack ladies! We know it consumes space, but in time of need, these medicines can be the only saviour. Medicines to some common illness like fever, common cold, pain, indigestion and acidity should be kept along. To add to these, keep a bottle of antiseptic solution with you. Pack these things now itself so that you do not forget them.

9. Electronic gadgets

Before you start to panick reading the headlines, by the term electronic gadgets we mean power banks and USB cables. We know how to charge you up during the tour, but sadly we know not any methods to charge up your camera and mobile phones. So, never forget to carry your ‘POWER’ with you, ladies.


Close the zip of the bag and you are all set to hit the roads of Egypt. Looks like we made your work easier? Well, this is just a small gesture from our side. To check other blogs, click to the blog section of our website. To enjoy a safe and stress free trip to Egypt at affordable price, contact ME-WONDERS today. We organise woman exclusive trips as well as family trips to suit everyone’s need of the hour. Join hands with us for being a part of exemplary trip.